Saturday, April 19, 2014

      This little 8 x 8 oil sketch is the product of my time spent this morning with the Arizona Plein Air Painters at Lost Dutchman State Park.  What a pleasant way to start a Saturday!  Even though there was quite a cloud cover the yellow blooming Palo Verde trees seem to glow with a light of their own. 
     Tomorrow is Easter and I look forward to celebrating with my friends our risen Lord Jesus Christ, the true light who gives life to us through his sacrifice and resurrection!

Saturday, April 12, 2014

First I want to thank our Father in heaven along with a the multitude of friends and family who have been praying for my nephew Joe who has been very ill.  I join them in gratitude, because he is at last home again with his wife and children and progressing toward health.

Its been too long since I posted last!! 
I hope that posting this today will get me back on track. 
I promise not  too blast you with so many pictures next time
 - its just that I am having such a lovely Saturday and wanted to share.

A couple of these are watercolors I did this morning while walking on the trails, and the rest are snapshots of flowers and cacti along the way.  Do you think I'll turn any of them into an oil painting today?