Wednesday, May 29, 2013

New Painting - Birds Preening at Saguaro Lake

How many are your works, Lord!  In wisdom you made them all; the earth is full of your creatures.
- Psalm 104: 24
Birds Preening at Saguaro Lake, 8 x 10 oil
I've started using Utrecht artist grade oil paints - love them! 
This painting I started on site a couple weeks ago while we were out with our painting group.  After a couple hours Jim and I were ready for breakfast, so we ordered delicious omelets at the restaurant by the marina, one of our new favorite places to eat.  I had to chop the sky off to fit my camera's frame and show you the rocks in the foreground.  The rocks under the shallow water and the birds on the rocks are my favorite parts of the painting.  I hope you enjoy them, too!

Friday, May 10, 2013

Painting of - er - the week!

It is God who arms me with strength and keeps my way secure. - Psalm 18: 32
Walk in the Foothills I, oil 12 x 16
This is another Plein Air painting I started on site one morning last week, and finished at home today - well, as finished as its going to get - its hard to know when to stop!  I hope it gives you the sense of the sprawl of the residential areas between the foothills, and the cool shade I found to set up my easel.  Yes, astute viewer, the foothills are really shaped that way (I think Dr. Suess must have been inspired by Phoenix.)  I'm trying to finished unfinished work this week; next up will be a Plein Air oil of Saguaro Lake.