Do you not know? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and His understanding no one can fathom. - Isaiah 40:28
Today's painting was a stretch for me, but a learning experience, so I'll share with you what I learned.
You will see that I have posted
two paintings. The second one is the same scene in abstract design, as simple as I could force myself to do it. After painting the flat colors of the second painting, which you might call a study, I realized that it would have benefitted me to create the second painting first. The study would have shown me how to narrow my pallate of colors and target the parts of my composition that I wanted to have most importance. After seeing the colors of the simpler study, I went back into the first painting with those colors and "fixed some areas that I was least happy with." What I learned, and what many accomplished artists know already, is that it would be well worth my time to do a preliminary study before tackling the final painting.
If you are an artist and this is helpful to you, I would love to hear from you.
"After the Storm" by Debra Rutherford
Acrylic on paper 4" x 6"
Study for "After the Storm"